Case Study


Project Type
B2C Platform

10 Weeks

UX Research

1st Case Study Careem Pay

In a technology dominated world, e-wallets are gaining more users. Carrying cash in your pocket will soon be a story from the past. Careem took a step further, offering users an e-wallet platform that allows them to pay for different purchases through one app.

Mobile App Design For Careem Pay
  • Location Icon Jordan, KSA
  • Participant Icon 6 Participants
  • Duration Icon 8 Days

User Interviews

Users from Saudi Arabia and Jordan were interviewed and asked about their expenses pattern and financial management approach. They were asked about their perspective on online purchases, and how frequently they’ve done it. Insights were collected and communicated with the Careem management, thus, drawing clearer business requirements accordingly.

2nd Case Study Careem InterCities

To put Careem service to test, users were interviewed, and asked regarding their travels. The main objective was to understand what users look for and expect during their interaction with Careem. Another goal was to observe the user's navigation through the app features.

Mobile App Design for Careem Intercities
  • Location Icon KSA
  • Participants Icon 5 Participants
  • Duration Icon 10 Days

User Interviews

5 people from Jeddah participated in the study. The participants answered a number of questions about their traveling behavior. Investigating how often they travel, whether it was domestic or international, and if they travel alone or with friends/family. Furthermore, participants shared their thoughts about carpooling and traveling with other people. The study then delivered a report revealing a number of findings and recommendations that must be taken into consideration in the future.

This data is not accurate and is used for demonstrative purposes of such research and does not reflect actual data nor the attributes related to this case study.

Usability Testing

A UX Labs team member moderated the test, by observing and navigating participants through the subjected app. This included a number of tasks that participants were given to accomplish. The moderator then, documented any challenges users encountered. Challenges varied at times, sometimes users found it difficult to understand features and what they stand for. Other times, users did not find the targeted item entirely. The main aim of testing was to analyze users’ expectations and comprehension. Next action was ranking each problem on the severity rate, indicating vital procedures that must be taken.

A water cooler image for visual effects

3rd Case Study Careem Now

During the coronavirus lockdown, some daily activities were restricted to a precise time frame. People tried to avoid gatherings at all costs. Going for grocery shopping was one of the activities that people need to take serious precautions before doing. Someone may say that what helped in minimizing crowd formation in stores was online shopping and delivery platforms. It offered people a simple process to purchase their needs and reduced the load on physical stores.

Mobile App Design for Careem Now
  • Location Icon Riyadh, KSA
  • Participants Icon 5 Participants
  • Duration Icon 10 Days

Usability Testing

5 people were invited to take part in testing Careem Now application. They shared their thoughts about the content and information architecture of the app. Careem were looking to examine the user's interpretation of some features, and if it was clearly communicated or not.

Card Sorting

In this activity, participants were asked to arrange the information in categories they believed is logical. They named the category and specified what goes under it. The objective of card sorting is to explain the audience information structure and processing.

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